Monday, April 20, 2015

The log in their own eye

So many "moderate" Christians don't support or acknowledge the more zealous and fundamentalist parts of their faith.
They aim to not support "Bible Thumpers".
And yet, their fundamental beliefs are based on the same thing. The Bible is the infallible Word of God.
Christians, experts at feeling persecuted, do not want to be associated with extremism in their own faith. They often claim that they have nothing to do with that mentality, while at the same time adhering to the same mentalities, in a slightly calmer manner.
That, friends, is hypocrisy.
If you're interested in seeing an example of what I mean by extremism in Christianity, look here. (Warning: this is deeply offensive. I in no way support this horrible mentality. Watch at your own risk.)
The point here is not to highlight this all too frequent hate mongering in the faith. The point here is that if Christians who claim to be run-of-the-mill don't want to be associated with these kooks, then it is their responsibility to fight against it.

Christianity --The Church -- is called the body of Christ. Well, there's a serious malignant cancer at the core of this body. Jesus said, if the right hand offends you, cut it off. How much more offensive is this?
"Regular" Christians will tell you that this man's doctrine is a thin slice of the whole body. They will tell you that it really isn't representative of the whole belief. They will say it is the atheists fault for pointing it out.
They will claim anything but responsibility for it. And, because these are fellow believers, they will not do a thing about it.
Now, if you have the stomach for it, think back or watch the video above once more. Do you hear the child crying? What if that child is a homosexual? What if that child or others in that congregation are hiding a secret? What if they feel trapped, need love and compassion, have a need to be accepted. Isn't that what Jesus called on us to do? To love one another?
This isn't strictly about being gay in the face of this kind of hate. This is about being human and knowing that there are people in this world who will try to take that from us.
This is a call to all the moderate Christians out there. Before you try to heal the rest of the "lost" you had better work to root out the David Berzins in your body.

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