Despite my previous posts, I do not hate Christians. I couldn't. That would be like me hating my father or brother because they live in PA and I no longer do.
The reality is simple. I don't like religion. It frightens me. I feel like a slave released from chains and I worry that, as we move forward, that others may be feeling trapped or enthralled too.
I don't mind if people have faith, or believe. I'm not exactly sure I'd call myself an atheist. I'm not. I look at the universe and am amazed and appalled by the distance and scope and I worry that we've got it wrong. That there is so much more out there than our tiny minds can elucidate.
But that said, I'm not against believers and I don't hate Christians, or other religious folks. I just want them to be whole. And I do not think that in all cases, religious dependency, like all dependencies, allows one to be whole.
If, as you read this or other posts, you thin decide that I have it in for Christians, or other believers, you're completely wrong. I know that spirituality is something that humans have an amazing ability to perceive and experience, and I love that about us. I just want people to not be deluded into a short or narrow focus of the way things actually are.
As we live, from day to day, we have to look for those things that enhance our lives in a way that is positive and healthful. If Christianity is that for someone reading my words, then I am all for it.
I would never put myself against an individual's right to choose their own belief system.
My hope, as I see it, is to try to rescue those who need rescuing and keep religion from becoming a tyranny that forces those with other or no beliefs to comply.
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